Watch your churn rates drop by becoming better-versed in consumer behavior patterns. That way you can spend less time worrying about replacing lost customers and more time designing better products. This digital card deck we've created will get you started.
This card deck is largely based on the Hook Model by consumer psychologist Nir Eyal. This easy-to-understand and hands-on model proposes that, to create habit-forming products, four elements need to be present. You'll need the right trigger, you need to initiate action by increasing motivation and ability, you need to provide an appropriate reward, and you need to make sure people make an investment in your product or service at the end to start the cycle all over again.
This card deck contains information and examples on each of these four elements, with 50+ psychological principles and examples that influence people's behaviour and kickstart the creation of habit-forming products. Enjoy, and nudge away!