It's not always easy to explain the reasoning behind taking a certain approach to something as complex as digital product development.
Since chess is now cool again, try this metaphor on for size:
You don't win a chess game by moving all your pieces in one go. You move only one at a time, and the reaction of your opponent dictates your next move. We feel like a similar case can be made for the way we design and develop digital products and services at Bothrs. Whenever a client approaches us with an idea, or a business challenge that needs solving...
😤 We don't try to tackle the entire project in one go.
😤 We don't mindlessly agree with every feature suggestion.
😤 We don't wait to involve customers at the very end.
😤 We don't assume we have all the right answers.
Take our project with Bio Minerals NV as an example. We didn't sit down with them to set in stone the next entire year and shake hands on it. Instead, we started out with tackling supplement adherence. Now, we're moving on to overhauling their ecommerce experience on desktop and mobile.
It's about prioritizing challenges, measuring whether a solution works, to then adjust or move on to the next.