An intelligent, web-based and thematic gift assistant.

Meet Dreambuddy, a conversational experience that helps you pick the perfect gift.
An intelligent, web-based and thematic gift assistant.
DSV Loading Dock Scheduling Application

What did we do?

Business Strategy
UX/UI Design
Front- & Backend Development
User Testing

What's been bothering them?

Dreamland is large, Belgium-based retailer specializing in toys, gifts, multimedia, and other seasonal products. Adhering to a bricks & clicks business model, the company sought to boost their revenue generated from online sales. Moving away from more traditional advertising practices, Dreamland opted to implement a custom-tailored experience into their online store.

How did we fix it?

This challenge was then further conceptualized, and the solution was aptly dubbed as the "Dreambuddy". The answer, was building an A.I.-powered gift assistant. Customers would no longer have to browse through the entire Dreamland catalog in order to find the perfect gift, thus increasing the likelihood of an additional conversion.

What are the results?

With Dreambuddy now live, which can be accessed using the website, or using in-store kiosks, it's become a lot more convenient to purposefully browse the massive product range Dreamland has on deck.

Design sprint
Execution sprint
Launch sprint
Iteration sprints

What did the process look like?

Moving fast is our trademark, and what allows us to create better experiences, faster, is our process. We’ve fragmented the entire development cycle into week-long sprints. Short, intsense bursts of productivity, with clearly defined challenges at the start, weekly stand-ups, rapid prototyping, and repeated end user testing. As a nice added bonus, it also allows for custom tailored roadmaps depending on the project and client. In the case of Dreambuddy, it took us only 6 weeks of development to hand over a working minimum viable product that's already fully integrated with Dreamland's product database.

More about sprint tracksabout our sprint tracks

Here’s what the final product can do!

Let's see what Dreambuddy ended up looking like.

Smart Dock And Yard Management Software

Let Dreambuddy know who you're buying a gift for!

Some basic demographics, a budget and a few category constraints is all it needs to get you started.

Smart Dock And Yard Management Software

Save yourself a headache with personalized gift suggestions.

Dreambuddy will then make a refined selection from the entire Dreamland product catalog, just for you! You can take a closer look at each suggestion by opening up the detail window.

Bothrs sprint with DSV

Ready to tackle a business
challenge of your own?

Gil Nimmegeers